The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)

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'3 It saje of 25 Cmm Un J1Q0 61 fay RAILROAD SCHEDULES 60 Classified Display iHi Valdosta Live Stock Co pENNIS MOTORS1 118 Hill Phone 185 JSy Thompson A MYRA ORTH SPECIAL NURSE 0 MB Solution of Puzzle of 13 23 IE 33 Due or A Big Blow Up SCO7 SMITH 47 45 46 the of 9 19 Wil 6 6 :40 an 8:30 an :40 an :40 pit or urther Information Photic Wire' or he's SETTING DawMjzza Deluxe Lawry A 5 24 26 28 A in opera has Betty Jahe believed the wire wire buy Gnve food to Crony Antics: ulloq Jewish month Kevorder: abbr? Bottoms of th feet Malayan cart nt Cancel And so forth: ahhr Thickness Cry of the crow 101 Indian mulberry 59 62' 64 67 im pm i :00 pm 5 pm 1 37 39 43 68 69 71 72 IL C'UON i PGWN UIAA "To A LANDING IJRlE ven aWa 31 fl TH MR USED CAR BUYER We have these Ply mouths left for sale These were traded on new Terraplarie Hud sons 1934 Plymouth 4 door Deluxe Sedan 1A34 Plymouth new motor 1936 Plymouth Coach new driven only £534 miles big discount 4 9 VALDOSTA TIMES VALDOSTA' GEORGCl? THE MYRA HEARS A SLIPDEM CRASH AS JACK THROWS HIS WEIGHT AGAINST THE LOCKED DOOR' hill Historical pe nna Animal of genus Mephitis Consisting voters MEASLY DINOSAURS EH? ISUP POSE YOU EAT DINOSAURS? I THAT'S THE CASE YOU WILL HAVE OOD APLENTY BUT THE REST US ACE STARVATION WE ARE WITHOUT OOD OR Boone Manager Box 157 Phone 580 Valdosta Ga Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains Valdosta Ga fha ollowing Schedule lguiea Publishe 7 Ab nformation fEantern Standard Time) YER HIGHNESS A' GREAT MONSTER HAS SCALED TH CLIS WE COULDN'T STOP OUR SPEARS ONLY BROKE OR GLANCED ITS HORN1 HIDE POOMEOI A contract to sing been signed by i Schultz 15 above youngest person ever to win that distinction A sophom*ore in a Chicago school she was given an audition by the manager of the Chicago City Opera Company and the result I was' an engagement to sing dur ing the coming season She will I be known as Betty Jaynes Trademark Registered Patent Office 73 lush with KUCCeSH 74 Bv means of drugs An Opera Singer 1 Only 15! PlAIRjl aIns tBbfRE TjElA A ValdostaLive Stock Co West Savannah Ave VALDOSTA GA Apartments for Rent 4a urnished apartment no child 3 08 Toombs Phone' 76 0 Lower loor furnished also furnished apartment 412 Hill Phone 379 Lost and ound 1 TLost One suit case stone bag on Pat terson st If found please return to Sheriff Spivey Reward' arm Implements One 'and two horse One horse at J50 to 57 Two horse 184 to $100 Carter Naylor Ga Exiierienced live stock men "of many years experience in charge of these sales to give you personal attention Cattle Calves Hogs Every Thursday wan tea to nuy Will Exchange 24 acre pecan and poultry farm near Valdosta wfor city property1 Good bunga low and lots of outbuildings 'Write or see 1 arms Valdosta Rt 3 PAID foligt Used Cars' Lowndes County Mot Hill Phne 92 WANTED 500' TONS NO STEEL at $950 Gross Ton Hatcher Iron and Metil Co MEbTS SECOND 2 HAND SUITS elt Hats and Shoes' 214 Patterson street DOWN 1 Those who value' prop 1 erty for tax purposes 2 Repealirifi 3 Ingredient' of sealing wax1 eminine name Make a god of Unit of weight Broad thorough 8 Prive away 9 Support 10 Serpent Situations Wanted 28 Job as watch man or caretakeir of estate Reference and' strictly so ber Marshall' 1010 Gordon St Valdosta Auction Sales 4 Quickly HIDING) BEHIND 7THE DOOC MYRA LOOKS ABOUT DESPERATE LV OR SOME KIND WEAPON AND THEN Male Wanted Man reliable to become an au to mobile and accident claim' ad justerin yapr territory Insur ance experience unnecessary No selling i Wrlte Associated "Adjus ters Milwaukee' Wis 6 7 sales arc conducted prompt ly and Efficiently on A strictly business basis i Whether buyer or seller it is our intention to please you and see that you get the best pos sible results from our 'sales If you have live stoco*k pfiiy kind you wish to sell place them on our market' If you 'wish to buy come to? our sales and Ave are sure you will find it profitable i IeIm At! Cin Chl Jax and la Points Pstk Local Points Macon Local Point Atl Cin Clev Jas a re Point ATLANYTC COAST LINE irrlvA frntn Lea 11:50 pm Savfe Jax Mont 11 :55 pn i 04 am Mont Savh Jax 3 :04 an am Savh Mont 0:30 ar 4 :1 3 pm Mont Savh Jsx 4:13 pn Telepbone Ticket Cfficea SOUTHERN RAILWAY 129 A 37 BA dT AM cW a modern novel 61 Portent 62 By 63Measure of i' length 65? Coin pass point 66 High pointed 67 68 or Sale Dresser chair serving table two roller top desk large Bible 11 14 1 4 Inches Mrs A Arnett 306 Adair Phone 305 wire fenceTand ROOING We handle AMERICAN fence roofing nails and hay Get our prices before you Valdosta Milling Co Inc Renuo Ten met ers Rodent Distant but i within view? Diminished tjrjKluAlly 52 Rereptswle dor coal Mfr tloinan emperor 56 Indian fetich Salaries Bought ANEJBD' MONEY $35 OR SALARIED MEN AND WOMEN JUST YOUR PLAIN SIGNATURE PERSONAL INANCE SERVICE Inc 2nd loor McKeyjBIdg lOWCt note rof thin plains or layers Italian: comb torin A'TyRANNOSy' 1 MtekXYONUb! IP THAT THIMGGETS UP HtfiE WELL iirr i ior icri aia uii LibEZ i rcrsE i nwirui i WTHERN RAILWAY Arrive from Leaves lot 2 :00 an CHASE HIM AWAY' HOLD A PIECE 'O' IT UNDER HIS' NOSE TILL HES CURED nt orL nt RICH QUICK Special Motice 4 Wanted Trip to JacksonvilleJKednesday or Thursday return fcowlng day Will share expen 'Call 879 scrap iron and metal Seo Us Val losta Iron Metal Co beTcind IJI those empty sockets Edison" Mazda Lamps Electric Sup 80 ii The PLANE rgoM DE JANEIRO ARRIVES' OVERTIME RANCHO ROSARIO But APPEAR? To EE IN TROUBLE i VALDOSTA DAILY TIMES MUM Classified Advertising Rates and Regulations 1 CLASSIIED ADVERTISING I Li PAYABLE IN ADVANCE AOertleanient aet lw eih vebii'tUM 1M par ward fnt haar yuaai'U par eaaa aaj ihecaalM it raa aapaapatlvaiv 10 80c 70c MW18c 88e 7 'r ERRORS' Reaart the Irat JOally' Ttaaa to reapaaaible only te mto laaae ttoa a CtaaaUM Ad NOTICE y' i i flRe Dally TtoMa'reaerr as tia right Rajaet ar Ra Wr aay AleartlaaaMat aMaettonabhk 1 HOURS CLASSIIED ADS accaptoO aatD U1 hr Ray ar pablleattoa lice open from A te fiM ML daily axeept Sunday CKOSS WORD PUZZLE 11 12 River Improvement Topic Of Meeting COLUlilBUSGa Sept 29 (AR Data emphasizing the economic value of improving the Chatta hoochee lint River system from Columbus to the Gulf of Mexico will be presented at a hearing tomorrow Colonel Park 'Unit ed States District Engineer jlth headquarters at Mobile Ala'? will preside hearings were granted lowing efforts of the Chattahop chee Valley Chamber of 'Com merce of which Wooipqjff of Columbus is president Upon the data obtained here it Albany a'ncl Other hearings the federl engineers will base their Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS that Booking orders for fall and wint er Hatches off each Tuesday starting Aug 25th Altie Hatch ery Rt 1 Valdosta iM I A Wtada Day Day Zoo a bbc 80c 70n 4S 49 Type of archl lecture Si Encourage 70 63 Number Mcddin Bros Savannah Yards Savannah Cp Boone Valdosta Stock Yards Valdosta Ga A Johnson Hall Com mission Co Moultrie Ga Naylor Ga" OR SALE or loan companies prices low5 Have what yoq want in Lowndes Brooktf and Lets 'talk5 it over before the prices advahch Smith 2 1 Miscellaneous for Sale Morru 'tables antique bed HP Livestock 37 CATTLE Auction Sales cat tle calves hogs and pigs every Thursday 1 2 Valdosta Live Stock SPECTACULAR IRE SWEEPS CHARLESTON PIER Rooms for Rent 46 or Rent One furnished room i to young man St or Rent furnished i rooms Phone 1024 UJI KEM 4 upstairs rooms with 409 Lee St if ur A8DAaprS i Repairing 'Servfeeg 21 1 anns prSale "SAES Opened Comblna i OR SALePhLOOO "farm "tionss to fit and timbered lands and around Bicycle Shop Phone 1071 Naylor Ga Lowndeg county Bids wanted 5 for tho tract arms "nA! wnriti iiit tu tim vmi OHB Gay j'AVuvBM ding Co' 304 LeePhone 387 entire tract is not made will sell' i separate faYms Carter ACROSS 1 Waa mat ter 5 iLii large sheet water proofed canvas IS Condition Bf maggerato 4frtirtit 19 Move suddenly etotnach SlJSon of Judah 1 22 Astern fabric 2V Abrading tool to Undei none 27 Sing in the Swiss style 29 General drdt of thought go Celestial body R2 Shortor a name 55 African Hot gg Italian opera tenlol Ca1 89 ran 66 Tapesliy Compositions? a ox SSrtiif horn johnhy cakes 60 Character in abbrr i 14" 42 Incidental and 4 obvious de i THE MILLION! A1R 11 1 7 I 5 Thia picture snapped at the height 'of the 1500000 fire ehowa roaring flames consuming Pier 3 of the Clyde Mallory Lines at Charleston 3 our tugs from the river aide the Charleston fire department nd some 800 Civilian volunteera 'kept the blaze from destroying two other piers (Associated Press? Photbl i 1 OUT OUR' ALL RIGHT THSM DIE POOR YOLL 1 NEVER rv vrv vi mcvco NOTMIN AN MAKL MONtV ALL YOU THINK' IB COMORT IT WORKt HE'S I COMING ARC GRANVILLE CAN I HEAR i recommendations relative to the prosureed Walter PTPlke secretary of the Columbus Chamber of Com m'erce' said Governor designate ED Rivers will bf among the ni ominenLGeorgiaDS attending the conference here invest your: mouey In Valdosta and Lhwndes county real estate This IsXjie gar den' spot the na tion Automobiles for Sale 9 T93 4 "Chevrolet Truck with long wheel 5 base Six new tires stake body Ready to go i495 Glisson Motor Co New 1936 Deluxe godge Seaan or 1934 IMra Sedan Mrs A A HBfone 637 or 9 97 1935 Chevrolet Coach newly 111 A i pVJUW'Xi TIUP guuu xx BUUU buy for $395 See Jack Howell for Rent 4 i Jr care Henry Messer Inc or Kent 115 (Vest High St Chevrolet Sport rooms 2 baths Eber Sedan Driven only from dealers hardt 2 I show room to our place Beautiful Converse place 1001 Gene ender Lowndes County Patterson Mrs piow 1 Motors Inc Phone 9 2' den Revised Version ffiahhrm duct ion ootbrill position! Rbbr Series of tennisn inee Situated at the base GOOD CjOZH T7 EXPERIMENTIN Z7'v WIIH DUKN1NJ 'i IPICP IM A CAMP WHERE OR OUR HEALTH AN' TO ENJOY NATURE 7 GUZZLE MOO MEAN QUEEN UMPATEEDLE AhAoiE? JUST BE AAY RIENDS AM INDEED CAUSE (DE A HONQREP HONORED TO 7 EW MEASLY DIE IN SUCH ROYAL: Ol 'DINOSAUKS? COMPANY 5 ni I WWirnrW Hill IlJllTJ Lu JI1IU11T iw li I BHlill III I Illim MT I'W 'Iff vs WM 4Wa x' ST a A 4 I fi ywiMK rx 1 1 Ct A 1 iVi aSfn i i 1 A 't a vi 4 1' A' i Sr niA va iiuM 7 1 ka era vice inc THStc spt oS 4 A i i AC Sitdl'CC LOOK OUT" 4 a THAT WOMAN SHE HAS' A 1 Knifb sh Ml MVPA If i 1 A a ffieSBBk' '5vsvX VdKk nJ iMWMlkVw 01936 BVNtA SERVICE WC 4 JI fl a 1 Ek i (I till H8jj llll i i ijlto illKd 1 f' i i 1 7 J1 7 A 777A 'A7AAA AAA' A A A A I i i rrr Tiuil uibii li ruu rgr i ul i iui rt i iw fcrf LVWHvij i 'K' 1 'jBa i i rjfcfeZT urtn 1 id AiArtn A 5 M9 'VWfWiVUlliRYHUtoVBBU "T1 i OR iHt 1 ggA'ffSSA adv to i'Wfcv Ifei Wto i fa I9M A AT nreJ USMIb i 1 1 4BP A A 7" 77 1 a i vr ii' i I vK fn ix i i A4 A 1 Bf WT Wh iVMk fA tr 11 toA "'A Ji wji toyiBig I TAia tfiaafcBsTl "ii njiiruaii V1 Zf A a feci a Jr IwTwpEb JmKSks 'jdkrxUn zt vj Mw'fwtf*ck 5WrI rv i I 1 fl j) Efffeal I 7 fenWill I1H I I tun a to iarHMPfraiK mH teto JACKI I I A Ox oAf Vt I Rm Tlj LJI AIR ME SA LIS 'EIT EiER Ea sTpIa AYE STR TH ROE AN Me qua UNI AjR TTs EQS SNIP I2 13 I4 I7 I8 7 0 4z I42 4 7 31 SE 25 2o 'V27 28 IS Elf 44 47 A48 7A 30 7 9'53' 9 7' A' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml ij.

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The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.