Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (2024)

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  1. 1 week ago



    OSRS certainly has its problems and has many new additions, but the only populated private server, Vidyascape, is an absolute mess and is run by extreme weirdos.

    As much as I hate it, you best option really is OSRS, at least if you want something even relatively reliable.

    • 6 days ago



      >Vidyascape, is an absolute mess and is run by extreme weirdos.
      explaino? I never found an issue with vidyascape

      • 6 days ago



        If you ignore everyone it’s fine. But at that point you’d be better off playing a solo server.
        There are like 20 regular players and all of them are schizos. Just scroll through the thread on /vm/.
        I’d rather play on OSRS with trannies than on Vidya with antisocial pedos.

  2. 1 week ago



    Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (6)

    OSRS, even if it's not RS as it was 20 years ago, is probably the best route. I play OSRS on and off and I enjoy it vicariously at the moment through the creators and what the game has become as it's driven by players is really something unique.

  3. 1 week ago



    Old School Runescape is unfortunately the only worthwhile option, even though it's basically just a modern MMO full of cancer at this point. Just play it and ignore all the new content and reddit.

  4. 1 week ago



    Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (7)

    It's really a shame there are no private servers to emulate what it was like 20 years ago
    Also weird question. Is there a way to play rs on your own private server? I have a wow tbc private server I run off my pc. Would there be something similar for old rs? I don't care about playing with other people or anything I'm good by myself

    • 7 days ago



      There is. Look into the 0xScape open source projects. They range all the way from ~04 to ~10 and vary in degrees of completion. They’re not technically the same projects, but there is a lot of overlap between the people that contribute to them. I think 09scape is the most finished and actively developed, but they’re all good.

    • 7 days ago



      OSRS basically completely killed private servers, sadly. You're better off just looking into self-host options rather than playing on any of those ghost towns. Luckily you can pretty much play Runescape singleplayer to begin with.

      • 6 days ago



        Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (8)

        >You're better off just looking into self-host options

        Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (9)

        >you pay for a rising month to month subscription
        you could always host your own local server or play Gankerscape.
        >all the gear to do late game bossing locked behind raids
        Raid gear is a luxury and something most players never see. You don’t need it to boss. It just makes doing even more raids easier.
        >literal must-do dailies in achievement diary if playing solo
        I’m near max and only did a few Zaff runs early on. Nothing must-do about them.
        >farming requires you to sign in every 6 hours as herbalore is mandatory for bossing
        Only (formerly) relevant for ironmemes, but even for them there are other reliable ways to get herb levels these days.
        >invest thousands of hours banking inventory and skilling
        If you don’t enjoy skilling you don’t enjoy Runescape.
        >1/1000 drop rates to waste your time.
        Literally not that bad. There’s not that much gear in the game. Go any lower and you’re practically giving it away.

        >you could always host your own local server
        Does anyone know how to host your own old school rs server? Thats exactly what I'm after

        • 6 days ago



          Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (10)

          Yeah, see my comment here

          There is. Look into the 0xScape open source projects. They range all the way from ~04 to ~10 and vary in degrees of completion. They’re not technically the same projects, but there is a lot of overlap between the people that contribute to them. I think 09scape is the most finished and actively developed, but they’re all good.

          and picrel

          • 6 days ago



            I had an interesting thought after posting this. If current OSRS were to ever have a community preservation attempt, like old runescape does, what year do you think we would start with? What year of current OSRS do you think people will be most nostalgic for in another decade?

            • 6 days ago



              Honest I don't see why you wouldn't just opt for the latest versions possible. Unlike the main game from like 2004 to 2012ish, OSRS never really fricked with existing content they only ever piled new stuff on top. Like you can still pretty much go back to OSRS right now and play it basically the same way you could play it in 2013.

              If an OSRS private server were ever made I think it would just be the latest version, just with some bone-headed non-polled sh*t removed at the server operator's discretion.

          • 5 days ago



            Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (11)

            I shall have a look into it, I just want my own comfy server

        • 4 days ago



          Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (12)

          I shall have a look into it, I just want my own comfy server

          I love fishing

    • 4 days ago




      • 3 days ago



        thanks for this

        • 3 days ago



          No you’re right, as far as pure gameplay is concerned RS3 is the better game at the moment. It’s unfortunate that the problems it does have, have drug it down so far. I started a new account on it last year and have been playing it a lot more than I expected.

      • 3 days ago



        this thing has bot players that congregate around the GE and chat nonsense and it's fricking eerie when my name was called out in chat
        well done nerds

  5. 7 days ago



    >is OSRS the way to go?
    this is actually sad. play literally anything else that isnt an mmorpg. unironically go to bars if ur ultimate motivation is making friends online. i have 5000+ hours and a friend with 20000+ hours. your autism means u can enjoy a lot more complicated games outside of osrs.

    but if u really want to hate yourself play with 2-3 clients simultaneously as it is the only stimulating way to play the game left since even asking to play osrs means you are on the spectrum

    • 7 days ago



      it's just a fun game bro

      • 6 days ago



        Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (13)

        >it's just a fun game bro
        i was way more active than you will ever be on osrs. I would be in calls with 20+ ppl in our clan and do group objectives, shoot the sh*t and laugh all night. We would throw clan events and none of us were spergs. Imagine the ideal scenario of OSRS with bros. I am telling you straight up, OSRS is a sign of deficiency. The best you'll have is hitting trees and opening a coors light on a thursday. i have never, ever met a person who played OSRS and can beat a new game every week. To enjoy OSRS you have to join the community, which means subscribe to the youtube meme channels, follow the sh*tposts on reddit and take on drinking/weed smoking. I know for a fact you are autistic cause you are on /vr/ but dont throw away your autism with chinese slot machine games. there are over 100 different monsters that have 1/900 drop rates and take 4-5 minutes to kill each time even with max cape. think about it.

        • 5 days ago



          Huh? I'm not autistic

  6. 6 days ago



    time travel

  7. 6 days ago



    Sadly the OG is dead. You can get a somehow butchered experience by playing OSRS. RS3 do not touch it at all unplayable.
    The problem with OSRS is that they catered too much to raids and bossing autists.

  8. 6 days ago



    I convinced my ex to play RS but she made a RS3 account and refused to switch to old school and it's for old people

  9. 6 days ago



    naw just go kill cows until you can do dragon slayer

  10. 6 days ago



    I don't really like MMOs so I've never really properly played Runescape. But back in the day I remember being somewhat enthralled hearing people's stories about it and seeing the big low poly world with all it's cool locations. Then I gave it a go and didn't enjoy it lol, this was probably 2008 or so. I really like the look and idea of it, but not the MMO gameplay itself. Any good solo RPGs that have a similar vibe?

    • 6 days ago



      >I really like the look and idea of it, but not the MMO gameplay itself. Any good solo RPGs that have a similar vibe?

      RuneScape is barely an mmo. Hell, it’s barely a multiplayer game. You do everything in the game by yourself. Even trading other players is done through a universal UI called the “Grand Exchange”.

      There’s also a highly popular mode called “Ironman” that restricts any interaction with other players whatsoever, including picking up items they drop or kill, etc.

      RuneScape is literally a single player game that a bunch of people are all playing together.

      • 6 days ago



        Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (14)

        >barely an mmo
        >you pay for a rising month to month subscription
        >all the gear to do late game bossing locked behind raids
        >literal must-do dailies in achievement diary if playing solo
        >farming requires you to sign in every 6 hours as herbalore is mandatory for bossing
        >invest thousands of hours banking inventory and skilling
        >1/1000 drop rates to waste your time.
        no thanks

        • 6 days ago



          Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (15)

          >you pay for a rising month to month subscription
          you could always host your own local server or play Gankerscape.
          >all the gear to do late game bossing locked behind raids
          Raid gear is a luxury and something most players never see. You don’t need it to boss. It just makes doing even more raids easier.
          >literal must-do dailies in achievement diary if playing solo
          I’m near max and only did a few Zaff runs early on. Nothing must-do about them.
          >farming requires you to sign in every 6 hours as herbalore is mandatory for bossing
          Only (formerly) relevant for ironmemes, but even for them there are other reliable ways to get herb levels these days.
          >invest thousands of hours banking inventory and skilling
          If you don’t enjoy skilling you don’t enjoy Runescape.
          >1/1000 drop rates to waste your time.
          Literally not that bad. There’s not that much gear in the game. Go any lower and you’re practically giving it away.

          • 6 days ago



            Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (16)

            >you pay for a rising month to month subscription
            the game is an MMORPG and all the money goes to a garbage developer. Half the game is Raids and Raiding on a private server sounds like trash.
            >all the gear to do late game bossing locked behind raids
            yes it is, half of the game is Raids and locked behind raids.
            >literal must-do dailies in achievement diary if playing solo
            you must do them, are you talking about not playing ironman, what the frick are you doing playing osrs if not ironman? Raiding?
            >farming requires you to sign in every 6 hours as herbalore is mandatory for bossing
            Yes you need to raise farming for spirit trees and end game patches. Super combats, brews, prayer pots are also mandatory.
            >invest thousands of hours banking inventory and skilling
            Nobody enjoys runescape they all look like junkies.
            >1/1000 drop rates to waste your time.
            It is not generous, 1/1000 when each vorkath kill is 3 mins plus banking supplies and spam clicking is not generous at fricking all.

            Being an MMO apologist is just ruining the lives of the autistic people that get swept into it instead of becoming a savant. They never beat the games in their backlog.

      • 6 days ago



        >RuneScape is literally a single player game that a bunch of people are all playing together.
        Honestly... that's what makes MMOs fun. That you're having your own adventure in a shared world. I don't like over reliance on groups as a game design philosophy. Yes you should be encouraged to group up, and there should be fun group content, but ultimately if you game isn't fun to play solo it's not fun.

        • 5 days ago



          For me, what I remember most fondly about the old runescape is the human interactions though. Feels like that just does not happen anymore though since I'm pretty sure people use this game to just treat their adhd with their phone on the other hand and some stream on one of the 3 other monitors they got on their desk.

      • 4 days ago



        Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (17)

        >RuneScape is literally a single player game that a bunch of people are all playing together.
        Honestly... that's what makes MMOs fun. That you're having your own adventure in a shared world. I don't like over reliance on groups as a game design philosophy. Yes you should be encouraged to group up, and there should be fun group content, but ultimately if you game isn't fun to play solo it's not fun.

        Cmon dude this is not what OSRS is like. Real solo OSRS is boring sh*t like grinding the agility pyramid while listening to music/podcasts and then realizing how incredibly bored you are and all the skills kinda suck & the handful of cool quests are the only reason to play this game

    • 6 days ago



      >I really like the look and idea of it, but not the MMO gameplay itself. Any good solo RPGs that have a similar vibe?

      RuneScape is barely an mmo. Hell, it’s barely a multiplayer game. You do everything in the game by yourself. Even trading other players is done through a universal UI called the “Grand Exchange”.

      There’s also a highly popular mode called “Ironman” that restricts any interaction with other players whatsoever, including picking up items they drop or kill, etc.

      RuneScape is literally a single player game that a bunch of people are all playing together.

      To add to this, if you don’t even want to know other players exist you can use the “Entity Hider” plug-in to hide them, their ground items, and really any sign of their existence.

    • 6 days ago



      Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (18)

      >for dopamine from levelling
      any mobile game honestly. osrs is mobile now too. if u dont have mmorpg/wow fried brain you'd like rune factory series, a lot.
      >for pointless questing in medieval lore world
      morrowind, skyrim
      >and finally u are like 99% of the current osrs userbase that smokes weed/likes a beer after work
      anything comfy that uses minimal brain cells would do the trick... ur on /vr/ so u should already know which games you have on your backlog.

  11. 6 days ago



    what i want to know is,is it
    answer me /vr/

    • 6 days ago



      Only masoch*sts get untrimmed Runes-Cape

  12. 5 days ago



    I’m never going to experience RuneScape the way is used to be, back in 2001…
    The early-to-mid-00s update ruined what I liked about the original game, so I quit playing it altogether.

    • 5 days ago



      Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (19)

      There actually are still RSC servers running and populated. Jagex may have abandoned it, but it lives on.
      >RSC Emulation
      >RSC Revolution
      are the ones I can vouch for off the top of my head.
      There may be a few others, but it’s been a while since I actually played. I mainly just contribute to the open RS2 projects and hang out in the discords these days.
      Although I’m seriously considering starting a RSC character now that im talking about it haha.

      I'll have to be the "ackshually" hom*osexual here and say that actually, osrs is rs2, not OG. Not like the classic runescape is relevant anymore in any shape or form but still..

      OSRS was originally based on RS2, but they’re considered two distinct eras at this point.
      And RSC may not be what the kids and streamers are playing, but it’s still kickin. See my comment above.

  13. 5 days ago



    I'll have to be the "ackshually" hom*osexual here and say that actually, osrs is rs2, not OG. Not like the classic runescape is relevant anymore in any shape or form but still..

  14. 5 days ago



    the way to play runescape is to do it completely blind, never look up any efficient way to grind experience or money, and then when you realize you have to grind 200 hours to do a quest leave the game and never come back

  15. 5 days ago



    They're recreating RS2 as it was in 2004. It's open source, so feel free to add sh*t to it. It's still in alpha, though.

    • 5 days ago



      Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (20)

      2004scape is gonna be super fun.
      Could unironically revive pking, seeing as it has managed to gain a bit of a following in that community and more general “hype” than any of the other projects ever have (not to discredit their accomplishments).
      There’s just something different about early runescape where everyone was hanging out at the wildy line, rather than the ge.

      • 5 days ago



        yeah it has a lot of potential. i'm genuinely hyped for it even if it's pretty buggy right now. hope it doesn't fall into the same pitfall other rsps or other open source projects do

  16. 4 days ago



    I used to unironically love runecrafting. It's just a very methodical routine and it trains super slow, but I loved the atmosphere of the runecrafting altars and the skill used to sh*t money before gayex just starting dumping runes onto everything's drop table and letting bots spam the skill like crazy.

    • 4 days ago



      I love RC too. Altar runs are comfy.
      >dumping runes onto everything's drop table
      Every skill has met this fate, unfortunately. Skilling is completely useless for main accounts in OSRS these days. It’s a big reason why Ironman has become so popular.
      OSRS is too far gone for saving at this point though and it’s not worth discussing what would fix it. That’s why so many of us have started working on preserving real RS2.
      I feel bad whenever I see clips of Mod Ash anymore. You can tell he’s disappointed with the direction the game took and doesn’t agree with the rest of the mod team on seemingly anything.

      • 3 days ago



        >dumping runes onto everything's drop table
        >Every skill has met this fate

        The irony is RS3 did this, realized how much of a problem it is, and actually tried to fix it. It's a sad state when you can look at RS3 and see better design choices than everyone's darling OSRS.

      • 3 days ago



        Didn’t OSRS start dumping materials into raid drops because raids are much harder to bot than skilling? Or was that just the cover story

        • 3 days ago



          Cover story. The OSRS team has no fricking idea how to balance drop tables whatsoever.

  17. 3 days ago



    Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (21)

    return to runescape classic. the truest and purest form of runescape.

    • 3 days ago



      that just looks like sh*t tho, 2007scape has actually good aesthetics and UI

      • 3 days ago



        Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (22)

        >that just looks like sh*t tho
        This is runescape classic it was the first release of the game from 2001-2003 then runescape 2 came along in 2004 (thats osrs, somewhat as we know it today)
        looks quite charming once you get used to it. Heres ardougne market as it looked in 2003

Whats the best way to play the OG runescape? I never played it back in the day and would like to try it out. (2024)


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