Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 16, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 16, 2024

Judy Note: JonathonWillis, the police sniper who took out Trump’s would-be assassin (whoeverthey were – left wing extremists Thomas Matthew Crooks, Mark Violet or MaxwellYearik), said he was ordered not to shoot and lost his job because he did –obviously pointing out that this shooting was an inside job.

This Event was not just about President Trumpbeing shot by our own FBI, CIA, Secret Services orDepartment of Justice as have other US Presidents in the past, it’s about agigantic chain of Child Sex Traffickers, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesters whohave perpetrated pedophilia and Child Sacrifices in their worship of Satan – doneso in return for a promise of their own sick definition of power and glory.

It’s about the very International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting, Drug and Weapons Runningorganizations Trump and the Global Military Alliance werein the middle of taking down – charging, arresting, trying and carrying outguilty verdicts of those Global and Political elites involved in Treason andCrimes Against Humanity.

We are talking the Bidens, Obamas, Pelosi,Clintons, a majority of Congress, Nazis of Ukraine,Zionists of Israel and all countries, Jewish, Mexican and Vatican Mafias,Secret Services, FBI, CIA, Police, Mainstream Media, including hundreds ofthousands of corrupt doctors, scientists, educators, civil servants and theirhenchmen.

The State of the World and Nation wasMuch Worse Than You Could Ever Imagine.

·On Tues. 9 July at the NATOSummit in Washington DC the actorplaying the role ofPresident JoeBiden told delegates that he was not calling the shots, but that the US wasunder command of the Military. First the demented Biden introducedUkrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyas“President Putin” and VicePresident Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.” He then continued to shockthe audience by saying that he took orders from his “Commander in Chief, theChief of Staff of the Military.”

·On Mon. 15 July 2024 Jonathon Willis, the police sniper who tookout Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks, (or was it Antifa LeftWing Extremists Mark Violet or Maxwell Yearik?), said he was ordered not toshoot and was arrested by the FBI and lost his job because he did. BREAKING!Counter-Sniper Ordered Not to Engage: Arrested and Fired for Defying OrdersDuring Trump Assassination Attempt - Gazetteller

·On Wed. 10 July 2024 Putin’s Adrenochrome Task Force apprehendedan Israeli Ship and rescued 40 emaciated children from a Ukraine BabyAdrenochrome & Organ Harvesting Farm, though sadly found 30 more torturedchildren dead.

·There were 34 Satanic Sites Around the WorldThat Were Doomed for Destruction by the White Hats – two were taken out just in the last fewdays:

On Thurs. 11 July 2024 the Three Gorges Dam in China broke.

On Sat. 13 July 2024 Notre Dame Cathedral inFrance went up in flames:

·We The People will not besilenced:“Trying to silence President Trump is the worst mistake they could possiblymake. It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. We the People becomemore determined to fight this fight. Every attempt to silence us only fuels ourresolve. We stand united, stronger and more committed to our cause. We knowthat our voices matter, and together we will break through any barrier. Ourdetermination grows with every challenge, and we will not back down. We arefocused, and we will continue to fight against the tyranny and fight for whatis right. He will NOT be silenced! We the People will not be silenced!” …The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 15July 2024

·We have realized that the Revolutionary Warwas a fraud. The “United States” did not actually declare Independence fromGreat Britain or the King.America is a British Colony. The King of England financed both sides of theRevolutionary War. The gold fringe on the US Flag in court rooms symbolizesAmerica being ruled by Great Britain, under International Maritime AdmiraltyLaw. There are no judicial courts in America and there have not been any courtsor judges since 1789. The most powerful court in America is the Supreme Courtof Pennsylvania. If you are of legal age and retain legal counsel in yourdefense, you are automatically assumed, by the court, to be a mentallyincompetent ward of the court, and can therefore be remanded indefinitely toany mental institution of the court’s choosing. You cannot use the U.S.Constitution to defend yourself. “The People” does not include you and me. Youown no property. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, not even what wethink are our children. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States(Estates) into Districts based upon the ritualistic practice of dissectingMasonic squares. Washington DC was surveyed and engineered according to Masonicritual and specification. The United States does not have any employees. Before“911” and “Pearl Harbor,” the “Boston Tea Party” was the first ‘false-flag.’

·Mon. 15 July 2024 SituationUpdate (video): ALERT!!!Bombshell Report! Judy Byington:The Attempted Assassination of President Trump.Were Shots Heard Around the World. No Need to Panic. All Planned. . .

Judy Note:

A. Suspected Timing:

·Timing of a pending Internet Shutdown and TenDays of Darknessthroughoutthe World will be determined by a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the entireinternational situation. The Mainstream Media will close down whilepeople will be asked to stay indoors to watch documentaries explaining what wasgoing on. Meanwhile Military troops stationed across the Globe will arrestanyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and their creation of theVirus and Vaccines – an operation that could start any time this week.

·On Tues. 9 July 2024 at a NATO Conference in Washington DC PresidentBiden announced that he was not in charge, but now a Military Government wasover the US.

·OnThurs. 11 July 2024 the financial capitols of the World in Zurich,London, Toronto and Renoactivated a Global Currency Reset of 209countries to gold/asset-backed currencies. On that same Thurs. 11 July 2024 the Three Gorges Dam in China broke. ThreeGorges was the first of 34 Satanic sites to be destroyed. It held the ChineseCommunist Party’s Child Sex Trafficking Ring Headquarters and Bio Weapon Labs.

·On Sat. 13 July 2024 thesecond of 34 major Satanic Sites, Notre Dame Cathedral in France, went up in flames. Renostarted GCR payments to Whales on that Sat. 13 July, which according to Q Codez VII on Telegram, was also the date for start of a Scare Event –which turned out to be an inside job of an attempted assassination on Trump.

·OnMon. 15 July 2024 GCR payments to upper levels began, as did the start of the Republican NationalConvention and according to Q Storm 1776 and QCodez VII on Telegram, was the endof the Scare Event at “Q Clock 6pm (Mon.15 July)” when Trump made a speech and announced his Vice Presidentcandidate. , Live: New Juan OSavin: Decoding July15th & The World Changing Event with Jean-Claude

·Tues. 16 July would celebrate liquidation forall Tiers of the Global Currency Reset. According to Q Codez VII on Telegram this24th anniversary of JFK Jr. plane crash was also the beginning of aten day lockdown.

·Wed. 17 July 2024: The World Day For International Justice:

·Thurs. 25 July 2024: End of Lockdown. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

B. Global Currency Reset:

·Sun. 14 July 2024 Wolverine: “It has started. This report came through today (Sun. 14 July): “Zurich, London,Toronto and Reno now confirm activation endstoday (Sun. 14 July), withpayments held on Monday (15 July).Most platforms will send notification overthe weekend and start payments on Tues.(16 July). Reno actually started payments (to Whales) yesterday (Sat. 13 July). Ok. Have a beautiful day.”

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Baratel’s “Bond Holder” contact isn’t paid,however this guy’s “colleagues” got paid:

C. Restored Republic:

D. Mon. 15 July 2024 Fulford: In case you missed it, the US now has amilitary government

·In case you missed it, the US now has a militarygovernment

·First of all this week letme start with a message to the people who broke into my computer and deleted mynotes for the week: Any government that is afraid of the truth is doomed. Whenthis is all over, you will either be executed for treason or spend the rest ofyour life in jail.

·Now for the news: The biggest event for theWest in the past week was the announcement of a military government in the USon July 9th. This announcement was made during the NATO 75thanniversarysummit meeting in Washington DC. In case you missed it, here it is on theofficial White House website:

·To underline this, theactorplaying the role ofPresident Joe Biden stood in front of theentire assembled NATO delegations to introduce Ukrainian President VladimirZelenskyas“President Putin” and Vice President Kamala Harris as“Vice President Trump.”

·Biden also said that hetook orders from his “Commander in Chief, the chief of staff of the military.” Although the White HousePress release does not say who Biden handed power to, it is a safe bet to sayGeneral Charles Q. Brown. Chairmanof the Joint Chiefs of Staff is nowrunning an emergency military government.

·You could see from thefaces of so-called National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, fake Defense Secretary LloydAustinandSatanic Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that they werenot in on the regime change.

·The installation of amilitary governmentcomes amid huge geopolitical events during the past week involving theemergence of a Eurasian military alliance that dwarfs NATO and is about toabsorb NATO. We will look into that further below.

·Fornowthough,we note the false flag assassination attempt against Donald Trump overtheweekend.The first thing to say is we are all sick and tired of politics being run viastreet theater staged by Freemasons. A healthy society should have a publicdiscussion based on facts to decide the best course to navigate into thefuture. If the results are not satisfactory, then we change course accordingly.Having secret societies decide without public input inevitably leads to socialdecay and inequality.

·OK having said that, it is clear theassassination attempt on Trump was staged to get public opinion to support thearrest of Trump opponents. Here are the signs:

·First of all before theevent, Biden said“It is time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

·Then recall this tweet putout by Alex Soroswidely interpreted as offering money for the assassination of Trump.

·In addition to this, manypolitical commentators like Rick Wilson on MSNBC called for someone to “put abullet in Donald Trump.”

·Since the would-be assassinwas a member of ANTIFA who appeared in Rockefeller-controlled BlackRockcommercials, it is likely there was a genuine plot by the Khazarian Mafia tokill Trump.

·So, the likely scenario isthe White Hatslet the Rockefeller group proceed with this attemptin order togivethem enough rope to hang themselves with.

·The fact Secret Servicesnipers were told to stand down even after many people spotted the would-beassassin also indicates the event was orchestrated: My name is JonathanWillis, I’m the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof atTrump’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in mysights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused togive the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me fromkilling the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump.

·My overall impression is this event was typicalof the KM. Whenever bad news like a record trade deficit comes out, they stagea distraction, like having Britney Spears display a tit in public and then havethe media concentrate on that.

·The Freemasonic attemptedassassination ritualcame amid huge geopolitical events andextremely seriousfighting inthe ongoing secret war for the planet Earth.

·During the past week the Russian FSB, the NorthKoreans, Asian Secret Societies, the Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate, MI6, theCIAandothers contacted the White Dragon Society about the intensebattles now underway.

·As the head of MI6 put it: “The essential movement wesee in the geopolitical landscape is a failed US fighting hard but failing andthe rest just moving on. The international infighting is an old ruling classdecline and a change of regime.”

·One indication of howintense the situation has become is military exercises by Chinese troops onthe Polish border and the presence of 120,000 Peoples Liberation Army troopsinside the United States.

·J.J. Carrell, Former USBorder Deputy Patrol Agent speaks on the Chinese Illegal Migrants That Have ALREADYENTERED America “Military analysts have already determined that at least a120,000 are PLA soldiers.”

·America is in SERIOUSTROUBLE aswe already know.

E. Mon. 15 July 2024 Q Storm 1776 onTelegram: Let's assess thecurrent state of affairs in our nation: 1.Efforts are underway to conceal the events of the 2020 elections. 2. There's a push to prosecute Donald Trump. 3. Some claim Joe Biden's identity has beenreplaced since four years ago. 4. Aselect group of influential figures wields significant control over America. 5. A large portion of the populace has beensubjected to manipulation. 6.Attempts are being made to instill fear in the public consciousness.

As for the projected outcomes by the end of2024: - Donald Trump secures victory and assumes the presidencyonce more. - JFK Jr emerges as the Vice President. -The nation restores its former economic and political stability. -Global conflicts with U.S. involvement come to a halt. -America reclaims its position as a leading global power.

F. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

G. Mon. 15 July 2024 The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram: They won't rest until Trump is dead.

·With this failed assassination attempt, all inhibitions have fallen and they can nolonger go back or stop. You are now forced to finish it. This will ultimatelybring the military and the tribunals into action.

·It all comes from Biden and Obama because they have to cover up their dirtydealings in Ukraine. The biolabs, child trafficking, Adrenochromemanufacturing, the corruption via Burisma and the ties to the CCP.

·Why is George Clooney involved? Why do people keep pumping money intoZelensky's pockets? Why don't you want the war to end?

·Because they know that then their game isover and everything depends on it. They will allend up on the gallows if Trump ends the war within 24 hours. He turns off themoney tap and then it’s time for work.

·It's about their lives and they do everythingto ensure that their pig schemes are not discovered and can even be continued.

·This is not just about Biden, Obama, Pelosiand Clinton, this isabout everyone who sits in the government, the Zionists in all countries up toIsrael, the source of evil. We are talking about hundreds of thousands who areinvolved, plus their henchmen, secret services, media, doctors, scientists,civil servants, the police, etc. It is a gigantic chain of crimes againsthumanity. Treason at every level.

·Just because Trump wants to end it all, thesetyrants are going all crazy and trying to get him out of the way. The Deep State will get itself deeper anddeeper into sh*t because people can see it and are lining up behind Trump.That's their biggest problem. Even if they manage to kill Trump, they wouldn'tbe able to stop it.

·Alex Jones is absolutely right that it won'tbe long before the next attack attempt is carried out. November is getting closer and closer andthere isn't much time left for the deep state. You have to act and the comingweeks will be even more turbulent.

·CliffHigh reported an incident around 7/15 that was correct. This attack will continue to be discussed inthe coming months. If there are further attacks on TRUMP, this will onlyintensify.

H. There were 34 Satanic Sites Around theWorld That Were Doomed for Destruction by the White Hats – two were taken outjust in the last few days:

·On Thurs. 11 July 2024 the Three Gorges Dam in China broke.

·On Sat. 13 July 2024 Notre Dame Cathedral inFrance went up in flames:

I. The Real News for Mon. 15 July 2024:

·On Wed. 10 July Putin’s Adrenochrome TaskForce apprehended anIsraeli Ship and rescued 40 emaciated children from a baby factory farm inUkraine, found 30 tortured children dead. Following the discovery of a factoryfarm operation in Ukraine, Putin formed an “Adrenochrome Task Force” of specialagents and handpicked Spetznas to deal with the growing crisis. According toreports, an Israeli-registered ship was apprehended within the Russian sphereof influence in the Black Sea on July 10, and children were being held captivein atrocious conditions. Hardened Russian soldiers who thought they had seen itall fought tears as they described the horrors of finding so many children withfragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodieswere expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global Adrenochrometrade operating out of Israel. This is a significant discovery and Putin isdetermined to use the leads generated to destroy the global Adrenochrome supplychain and punish those committing crimes against children.

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Media is Toast:

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Election Pause,Assassination Attempt, Heart Attack Ahead, Juan O Savin:

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Trump Federal Cases:

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Secret Service Scandal, DanBongino:

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Emergency Alert Civil WarCalling:

·Mon. 15 July 2024 A Country In Crisis As Americans Cringe &Other Nations Laugh!

J. On Mon. 15 July2024 Jonathon Willis, the police sniper who took out Thomas Crooks, Trump’swould-be assassin, said he was ordered not to shoot, lost job because he did.

·“My name is JonathanWillis. I am the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof atTrump’s rally.

·“I came here toinform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least threeminutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to takeout the perp.

·“100% of the topbrass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took shots at PresidentTrump.

·“I didn’t follow theorders, though, as soon as the shooter opened on Trump, I returned fire despitestrict orders to not engage.

·“I had eyes on theshooter for three minutes, watching him fiddle with his rifle and adjust thescope, it was obvious he was a shooter yet I wasn’t allowed to engage.

·“After I killed theshooter, I was arrested, questioned by the FBI and just released an hour ago.

·“Already lost my job for not followingorders, but I’m glad I took the shots anyway.”

·Dirty bastards are at the top ofthis. Should be easy for Willis to ID who gave the stand-down orders. No bigsurprise that he was arrested and questioned by the crooked corrupt FBI. Thisnation is headed for an armed civil war, and people like sniper Willis will beon the patriots’ side.

·JudyNote: Videos have surfaced of multiple people trying to warnpolice and security that there was a man with a rifle on a roof preparing toshoot Trump. The police and security did not react to their cries.

·Thomas Matthew Crooks was officially reported to be Trump’s Attempted Assassination Shooter.He was the grandson of the Rothschild dynasty with ties to Sorosand Hillary Clinton. Or, the shooter could have been Left Wing Extremist Antifamembers Mark Violet or Maxwell Yearik – who injured several policemen during anAntifa rally last year.

·SpectatorCorey Comperatore, the former fire chief for BuffaloTownship,was killed in the assassination attempt.

·Emergency Alert This Is Bad!! US Sniper ExposesEverything on Live TV About Trump Assassination Attempt!

K. International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican andhoused in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs betweenthe Vatican and Jerusalem:

·Mon. 15 July 2024 Colorado RepresentativeScott Bottoms ConfirmsThat People Are Buying 1-5 Year Old Children For Sex. …The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

·Mon. 15 July 2024: 15 Arrested in Major U.S. Human TraffickingBust. In a major crackdown, 15 individuals were arrested across multiple statesin a large-scale human trafficking operation. The coordinated effort by federaland local authorities led to the rescue of numerous victims exploited and heldagainst their will. Key figures in the trafficking network were apprehended incities including New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Authorities are nowproviding support to the rescued individuals, while the suspects face chargesof trafficking, conspiracy, and exploitation. Someone is very scared by this.You won’t believe the names of these 15 individuals. …Steve Bannon on Telegram

·Mon. 15 July 2024 From a Reader: “Over70 years ago when I was 5-7 someonein our neighborhood got pregnant out of wedlock and was sent to Canada so noone would find out.My grandmother knew all about where that young girl went in Canada. Grandmotherwas born in Canada, her dad was indigenous and her mom a white French Canadian.They were living on a reservation. She spoke of graves of children and babiesat the Catholic boarding schools in Canada in the 1950’s – places where youngwomen from this country were sent if they became pregnant out of wedlock - tohide that pregnancy from family and friends. There were lots of graves ofchildren and babies at those Catholic boarding schools. It's amazing that theyare just getting to the bottom of this now.”

·On Wed. 10 July Putin’s Adrenochrome TaskForce apprehended anIsraeli Ship and rescued 40 emaciated children from a baby factory farm inUkraine, found 30 tortured children dead. Following the discovery of a factoryfarm operation in Ukraine, Putin formed an “Adrenochrome Task Force” of specialagents and handpicked Spetznas to deal with the growing crisis. According toreports, an Israeli-registered ship was apprehended within the Russian sphereof influence in the Black Sea on July 10, and children were being held captivein atrocious conditions. Hardened Russian soldiers who thought they had seen itall fought tears as they described the horrors of finding so many children withfragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodieswere expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global Adrenochrometrade operating out of Israel. This is a significant discovery and Putin isdetermined to use the leads generated to destroy the global Adrenochrome supplychain and punish those committing crimes against children.

L. Mon. 15 July 2024 Ben Fulford DECLASS:

1) The Revolutionary War was a fraud. The “United States” did not actually declareIndependence from Great Britain or the King.

2) America is a British Colony. (“THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT ALAND MASS, THAT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR”. [Information taken fromthe Articles of Association, October 20th, 1774] [Further more] “THE BRITISHTROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.” – Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty ofCommerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. NewHaven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209.)

3) The King of England financed both sides ofthe Revolutionary War.(Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80.)4) The gold fringe (symbolic ofRoyalty), which is attached to the border of every U.S. flag hanging in everycourtroom across America, symbolizes America being ruled, to this day, by GreatBritain, under International Maritime Admiralty Law.

5) There are no judicial courts in America and there have not been any since 1789.Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforceStatutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat.138-178)

6) There have not been any judges in Americasince 1789. Therehave only been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138- 178) . 7) The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court, butthe Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

8) If you are of legal age and retain legalcounsel in your defense, youare automatically assumed, by the court, to be a mentally incompetent ward ofthe court, and can therefore be remanded indefinitely to any mental institutionof the court’s choosing.

9) You cannot use the U.S. Constitution todefend yourself, becauseyou are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Aldermanof The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.)10) “The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor& CitCouncil of Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243)

11) You own no property. Read the Deed to the property that you thinkis yours. You are listed as a tenant. Legally, the term human “being” refers toan animal impersonating a human, such as a slave. Under the law, slaves can’town property. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session.)

12) We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, not even what we think are our children.Read your birth certificate. Your mother is listed as an informant. (Tillman v.Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43& 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People13 N.Y. REP 378, 481.)

13) Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districtsbased upon the ritualistic practice of dissecting Masonic squares. This is why,even today, so many towns are built on ‘the square’. America truly is “the landof the free”, Freemasons, that is. (Messages and papers of the Presidents, Vol.1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

14) In addition to obsession with Masonicritual, symbols, andarchitecture, the “United States” is the first “Country”, from it’s veryinception, to have been surveyed and engineered according to Masonic ritual andspecification.

15) The United States does not have anyemployees, because there is nolonger a United States. No more reorganization. (Executive Order 12803) Do notimpersonate one of it’s creditors or shareholders or you will go to Prison. (18U.S.C.914)

16) Before “911” and “Pearl Harbor,” the“Boston Tea Party” was the first ‘false-flag’ operation enacted to promote further hostilities towardthe indigenous tribes of North America.

M. Mon. 15 July 2024 Fulford Report: A handful of things you have to assess onTrump Shooting:

1. Watch the sniperson the roof.2. Watch the weapon (rifle) dip down before the gunfire that’sheard.3. Rounds fired and heard.4. Location of target in relation to the bulletdistance traveled, angle and trajectory. Snipers are there for one thing andone thing only. “News” is now reporting the Secret Service told the “snipers”to hold their fire until the shooter fired first.

That’s the biggestcrock of anyone could ever hear… that alone debunks it all except it’s part ofthe plan.If that sniper had identified a shooter as the “media” reported… thatweapon wouldn’t be dipping down and sniper moving from his position like it’sshown in the video seconds before the rounds started.

He looks like a deerhunter who doesn’t know the distance, wind direction, and exactly where the“target” is.Also, listen carefully… and watch President Trump…He’s reaching forhis ear almost before but most definitely simultaneously to the first roundfired which is in between the second round fired.

That motion would bethe activation of the blood on the fakeear. Timing is everything. If you didn’t have any evidence that there’s twoPresident Trump’s… then you’d have to rely on those of us who’ve been trainedaround this solely…

But I’ve shownpictures of two different President Trumps, Golf Trump and Orange/Suit Trump,with evidence of my own “followers” heckling my page in my first meeting that“that’s not the real Trump.”

They don’t put thebody double stuntman on the private golf course all day and the real Trump atrallies… if you believe that, quit now. You’ll never understand any of this.

And though I’ve neverbeen shot… I have several friends who have, and there would have been a littlebit longer delay of reaction time from when the sensors of the ear relayed tothe brain, the burning, simultaneously a delay in reaction of rounds fired.

I shoot a 7millimeter magnum rifle… it travels at 3,100 feet per second… That means it cantravel just under 3/4 of a mile in one second.Every time I’ve shot a deer inthe heart, the bullet runs through it so fast, they’ll run 20-50 yards beforethey realize they’re hit, which is why I started shooting in the neck to bemore lethal and ethical.

Every Hunter inAmerica can tell you, you’ll hear the thump or whop hitting the target beforethe crack (gunfire). The whop and thump is the bullet hitting the target longbefore you hear the sound of the crack which is the sound of the explosioncoming from barrel.

The “shooter” wassaid to have an AR-15, what a coincidence, the ONLY weapon the Liberals canname, out of MANY, MANY calibers.First off, the AR in the AR-15 stands forArmaLite. Second, it’s a semi-automatic weapon that hasa Burst Round option.

It does NOT soundanything like what’s heard in the videos and audios of this “shooting.”Itsounds like an Air Soft style weapon more than anything. The round does notsound like what an AR-15 5.56 (.223) NATO bullet would sound like AT ALL.

There were 3 thumpssimultaneously…If the first round hit President Trumps ear, and the secondround killed a civilian in the audience behind him, where did the 3rd round hitas quick as the other thumps at the same downward trajectory?

The “gunman” was400-500 feet away from PDJT…Directly to his right.Elevated which means thetrajectory would be downward to President Trump. When I was in the Army, theM16 5.56 (.223) NATO round at 200 meters was where the bullet had the mostmovement in velocity in its trajectory.200 meters is 656.168 feet.

Although I was aSharp Shooter, I always skipped the 200 meters and went for the 100 to 300meters, due to velocity and trajectory to make up for the 200.The “wound” showsit pierced the top of PDJTs ear. How is that possible? How did that bullet hitat the angle and trajectory given but not pierce the skull?

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 16, 2024 (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.