UPDATE St. Cloud VA - Veterans Affairs (2024)

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St. Cloud VA UPDATE August 18, 2021 October 2017 A monthly newsletter for Veterans served by the St. Cloud VA Health Care System, and for those who serve them. Send news items and comments to St. Cloud VA Health Care System, Attn: Public Affairs Officer, 4801 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud, MN 56303, or via email to barry.venable@va.govThird COVID-19 vaccine People with significant immunocompromisedoses for immune are at increased risk of poor outcomes fromcompromised individuals COVID-19. There is data that suggests anOn Thursday, August 12, 2021, the Food additional COVID-19 vaccine dose enhancesand Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a antibody responses to the COVID-19third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for people vaccine. There are studies that indicate awith moderate to severe reduced antibody response inimmunocompromise who received the immunocompromised people after theyPfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. This have been fully vaccinated, compared toincludes those with organ transplants and healthy vaccine recipients.those diagnosed with conditions that areconsidered to have a similar level of St. Cloud VA HCS patients who are immuneimmunocompromise. Additional doses are compromised should consult with theirnot recommended for other people at this primary care teams for advice andtime. assistance on the recommended additional vaccine dose. Individuals that are immune compromised are people with medical conditions or people receiving treatments that are associated with moderate to severe immune compromise, such as the following: ▪ Active or recent treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies (currently getting treatment, such as chemotherapy, for cancer) ▪ Receipt of solid-organ transplant and taking immunosuppressive therapy 1

▪ Receipt of CAR-T-cell or hematopoietic individuals who received the Moderna stem cell transplant (within 2 years of vaccine should receive a third dose of the transplantation or taking Moderna vaccine. CDC and FDA recommend immunosuppression therapy) a minimum interval of 28 days after▪ Moderate or severe primary receiving the initial vaccine series to receive immunodeficiency (these would be an additional shot. diagnosed by your medical team and often are conditions someone is born Due to insufficient data, the EUA with - for example, DiGeorge, Wiskott- amendment for an additional dose does not Aldrich syndromes) apply to Janssen COVID-19 vaccine or to▪ Advanced or untreated HIV infection individuals who received Janssen COVID-19 (people with HIV who are not on as a primary series. CDC and FDA are treatment or who have a low CD4 actively engaged to ensure that count) immunocompromised recipients of Janssen▪ Actively getting treatment with COVID-19 vaccine have optimal vaccine o high-dose corticosteroids (high protection. dose is ≥20mg prednisone or equivalent per day) Other fully vaccinated individuals do not o alkylating agents need an additional dose right now. The o antimetabolites need for and timing of COVID-19 additional o transplant-related doses for the rest of the population have immunosuppressive drugs not been established. o cancer chemotherapeutic agents classified as severely The FDA, CDC, and National Institute of immunosuppressive Health (NIH) are engaged in a science- o TNF blockers based, rigorous process to consider o other biologic agents that are whether or when an additional dose might immunosuppressive or be necessary for the remaining immunomodulatory population. Those organizations will continue to review any new data as it Note – this list is not exhaustive, becomes available and will keep the public and your clinical care team is informed. However, no additional doses are best able to tell you if you have recommended at this time. immune compromise that is like what is listed above. Individuals who have received Pfizer- BioNTech or Moderna vaccines from VHAThe CDC and FDA recommend the through the authority of the SAVE LIVES Actadditional dose be of the same type, dose, and have moderate to severe immuneand manufacturer as your initial vaccine compromise can receive your third doseseries. This means that, if indicated, through VHA.individuals who received a Pfizer-BioNTechCOVID-19 vaccine should receive a thirddose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine; and 2

9/11: 20th Anniversary Veterans Crisis Line YardThe events of September 11, 2001 called Signs Available forbrave men and women to serve their Distributioncountry in the Armed Forces. VA September is Suicide Prevention Month andremembers your service and your sacrifices. increasing awareness of the Veterans CrisisOur Post-9/11 Veterans team is here to help Line saves lives.you navigate VA services and support youthrough your transition to civilian life and This September, Veterans, communitybeyond. Connect with us at (320) 252-1670 groups and individuals are invited toExt. 6546 or visit https://www.va.gov/st- increase awareness of the Veterans Crisiscloud-health-care/health- Line (VCL) among Veterans by helping toservices/returning-service-member-care/ . place 1,000 VCL yard signs across Central#VARemembers911 Minnesota. Participants are asked to distribute a minimum of 5 VCL yard signs and individuals receiving signs are asked to commit to keeping the signs in yards for as long as possible. Larger quantities are available upon request.On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, our nationcomes together to honor the nearly 3,000lives lost, and to pay tribute to thehumanity and heroism we saw in the daysthat followed. VA remembers those we lost,those injured, and those who responded.We know this day of remembrance can bedifficult for many Veterans. VA remainshere for you — reach out to the VeteransCrisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 available 24/7 To order the free signs for your organizationfor confidential, caring support. simply contact the St. Cloud VA’s Suicide#VARemembers911 Prevention Team at 320-252-1670 Ext. 6719https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ or fax the order form at the end of this edition to 320-255-6389. Order forms are also available at: https://www.va.gov/st- cloud-health-care/stories/ Those submitting orders by August 20 can pick them up from the VA Medical Center in St. Cloud and VA clinics in Alexandria, Brainerd, and Montevideo the week of Aug. 23-27. Here is the pick-up schedule: 3

Afghanistan: Let’s Talk About • St. Cloud VA Medical Center, Bldg. It 111, Aug. 24, 1 to 3 p.m. Veterans from all eras are reacting to the • Max J. Beilke VA Clinic, Aug. 25, 1 to events in Afghanistan, such as the U.S 3 p.m. withdrawal and the takeover by the Taliban. • Brainerd VA Clinic, Aug. 26, 1 to 3 p.m. Veterans may question the meaning of their • Montevideo VA Clinic, Aug. 27, 1 to service or whether it was worth the 3 p.m. sacrifices they made. They may feel more moral distress about experiences they hadThose who cannot order by August 20 may during their service. It’s normal to feel thisuse the same ordering information and way. Talk with your friends and families,make individual arrangements for later reach out to battle buddies, connect with apick-up. peer-to-peer network, or sign up for mental health services. Scroll down for a listThe Veterans Crisis Line is a free, common reactions and coping advice.confidential resource available to anyVeteran, even if they are not enrolled in VAhealth care or registered with VA. Care doesnot end when the conversation is over. TheVeterans Crisis Line can connect Veterans totheir local suicide prevention coordinators(SPC), who follow up to coordinate care.Veterans in crisis or anyone who isconcerned about a Veteran can reachcaring, qualified VA responders standing byto help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by Resources available right now.calling 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1. • Veterans Crisis Line - If you areSince its launch in 2007, the Veterans Crisis having thoughts of suicide,Line has answered more than 5.4 million call 1-800-273-8255, thencalls and initiated the dispatch of PRESS 1 oremergency services to callers in crisis more visit http://www.veteranscrisislthan 184,000 times. The Veterans Crisis Line ine.net/anonymous online chat service, added in • Vet Centers - Discuss how you2009, has engaged in more than 630,000 feel with other Veterans inchats. In November 2011, the Veterans these community-basedCrisis Line introduced a text-messaging counseling centers. 70% of Vetservice to provide another way for Veterans Center staff areto connect with confidential, round-the- Veterans. Call 1-877-927-clock support and since then has responded 8387 or find one near you.to more than 204,000 texts. 4

• Have more military and• VA Mental Health Services homecoming memories Guide - This guide will help you sign up and access mental Veterans may question the health services. meaning of their service or• MakeTheConnection.net - info whether it was worth the rmation, resources, and sacrifices they made. They may Veteran to Veteran videos for feel more moral distress about challenging life events and experiences they had during their experiences with mental health service. issues.• Download VA's self-help Veterans may feel like they need apps - Tools to help deal with to expect and/or prepare for the common reactions like, stress, worst. For example, they may: sadness, and anxiety. You can • Become overly protective, also track your symptoms over vigilant, and guarded time. • Become preoccupied by• VA Women Veterans Call danger Center - Call or text 1-855-829- • Feel a need to avoid being 6636 (M-F 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. & shocked by, or unprepared SAT 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. ET) for, what may happen in• VA Caregiver Support the future Line - Call 1-855-260-3274 (M- F 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. & SAT 8 Feeling distress is a normal a.m.- 5 p.m. ET) reaction to negative events, especially ones that feel personal. It can be helpful to let yourself feelCommon Reactions those feelings rather than try toIn reaction to current events in avoid them. Often, these feelingsAfghanistan, Veterans may: will naturally run their course. If • Feel frustrated, sad, they continue without easing up or helpless, grief or distressed if you feel overwhelmed by them, • Feel angry or betrayed the suggestions below can be • Experience an increase in helpful. mental health symptoms like symptoms of PTSD or Strategies for Managing Ongoing depression Distress • Sleep poorly, drink more or At this moment, it may seem like use more drugs all is lost, like your service or your • Try to avoid all reminders sacrifices were for nothing. or media or shy away from Consider the ways that your social situations service made a difference, the 5

impact it had on others’ lives or onyour own life. Remember that now Engage in Positive Activities. Tryis just one moment in time and to engage in positive, healthy, orthat things will continue to meaningful activities, even if theychange. are small, simple actions. Doing things that are rewarding,It can be helpful to focus on the meaningful, or enjoyable, even ifpresent and to engage in the you don’t feel like it, can make youactivities that are most meaningful feel better.and valuable to you. Is theresomething you can do today that Stay Connected. Spend time withis important to you? This can be people who give you a sense ofas an individual, a family member, security, calm, or happiness, ora parent, or a community those who best understand whatmember. Something that is you are going through.meaningful to you about yourwork or your spirituality? Such Practice Good Self Care. Look foractivities won’t change the past or positive coping strategies that helpthe things you can’t control, but you manage your emotions.they can help life feel meaningful Listening to music, exercising,and reduce distress, despite the practicing breathing routines,things you cannot change. spending time in nature or with animals, journaling, or readingIt can also help to consider your inspirational text are some simplethinking. Ask yourself if your ways to help managethoughts are helpful to you right overwhelming or distressingnow. Are there ways you can emotions.change your thinking to be moreaccurate and less distressing? For Stick to Your Routines. It can beexample, are you using extreme helpful to stick to a schedule forthinking where you see the when you sleep, eat, work, and dosituation as all bad or all good? If other day-to-day activities.so, try and think in less extremeterms. For example, rather than Limit Media Exposure. Limit howthinking “my service in much news you take in if mediaAfghanistan was useless” consider coverage is increasing yourinstead “I helped keep Afghanistan distress.safe.” Use a mobile app. Consider one ofFinally, consider more general VA’s self-help appscoping strategies that you may (see https://www.ptsd.va.gov/appwant to try including: vid/mobile/) such as PTSD Coach 6

which has tools that can help you Play in the St. Cloud VAdeal with common reactions like, Games!stress, sadness, and anxiety. You Veterans can participate in the 2021 VAcan also track your symptoms over Games virtually for the entire month oftime. September!PTSD Coach Online. A series ofonline video coaches will guideyou through 17 tools to help youmanage stress. PTSD Coach Onlineis used on a computer, rather thana mobile device, and therefore canoffer tools that involve writing.If you develop your own ways ofadapting to ongoing events andsituations, you may gain a strongersense of being able to deal with This will be the 7th annual games the St.challenges, a greater sense of Cloud VA Health Care System has hosted.meaning or purpose, and an ability With another new event being added thisto mentor and support others in year, the games offer 8 total fitness andsimilar situations sporting events promoting Veteran health and wellness. Events include: • 1 Mile run/walk/cycle/wheel • Golf • Disc Golf • Billiards • Rowing • Ski Erg • Hoop Shoot • Horseshoes With adaptive divisions in each event, every Veteran is welcome and encouraged to compete! Registration packets are available at: https://www.va.gov/st-cloud-health- care/programs/2021-va-games-registration- packet/ 7

Stay Healthy! Get were recently screened and no problemrecommended screenings was found.and immunizationsRecommendations for preventive services Regardless of age, gender, health status anddepend on your age, sex, health status, and family history, you should be screened forfamily history. Find out which screening alcohol abuse, depression, high bloodtests and immunizations are recommended pressure, human immunodeficiency virusfor you. (HIV), military sexual trauma, obesity, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and tobacco use. You should also follow the appropriate cancer screening guidelines. Keeping up with immunizations is also important to stay healthy. You should receive a flu shot every year and a tetanus shot once every 10 years. If you have not received a COVID-19 vaccineWhat's Important to Know? already, you can best protect yourself byIt’s important to keep up with your doing so now. COVID-19 vaccines are highlyscreening tests and immunizations to effective in preventing serious illness fromprevent certain kinds of illness. COVID-19. They will also protect you fromRecommendations for preventive services newer virus variants that may spread moredepend on your age, sex, health status, and easily and affect you more severely. COVID-family history. Every person is different. 19 vaccines may be given at the same time as other vaccines, including influenzaAll preventive services have possible vaccines. Vaccination is the best way tobenefits (pros) and harms (cons). protect yourself, your family, and yourDepending on your values and preferences community.about these benefits and harms, you maywish to receive additional, fewer, or Want to Know More?different services than those that arerecommended. Talk with your health care If you want to learn more about gettingteam about their recommendations for recommended screening tests andscreening tests and immunizations that are immunizations, talk with your VA healthright for you. care team. They can also help if you have questions about making a healthy living“Screening” means looking for a condition change.before there are any signs or symptoms ofthat condition. If you already have asymptom of the condition, you should talkwith your provider about it, even if you 8
Just launched: All-new St. We have built a mobile-first user experienceCloud VA website that gets you to all content and tools in justGreat news! St. Cloud VA has just launched one or two clicks, including:a new website that gives you better serviceand an easier online experience. • Online scheduling, prescriptionVeterans, families, and caregivers have told refills and access to medical recordsus that VA medical center websites are • A new list of health services thatconfusing to navigate, contain outdated or uses Veteran-friendly names andmissing information and do not match their descriptionsVA health care journey. • New social and health program pages that make it easier to connectWe listened. Veterans and their caregivers with care coordinators to help them withTo better meet the needs of Veterans,families and caregivers, VA has built all-new their health care journeywebsites for medical centers and related • Increased speed and mobile featureshealth care facilities. We have used your that allow users to call VA or getfeedback to develop a website that driving directions with a single clickprovides everything Veterans, families and Click here to visit St. Cloud VA’s newcaregivers need to prepare for a visit, get website. The old website is no longercare and connect with your VA health care functional, and you will automatically beteam: directed to the new site. It’s all part of our continuing work to improve the Veteran • Directions to main VAMCs and experience. associated clinics • Phone numbers Here is the new URL to bookmark: • Parking and transportation https://www.va.gov/st-cloud-health-care/ information • Hospital and clinic hours To learn more, watch this video about the • Patient registration new VAMC websites. • Making appointments and refilling prescriptions Beneficiary Travel Update: We apologize, but walk-in customer serviceYou will find a new complete list of VA hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 5health services, social programs, and care through Sept. 17.coordinators, including: Normal walk in hours (8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.) are • Primary and specialty care planned to resume Monday, Sept. 18. • Mental health care Veterans needing to request travel • Caregiver support and care reimbursem*nt can use one of the coordinators for women Veterans, following options: LGBTQ Veterans, returning service members and more 9
1--The VetLink service kiosks located in the Help us recognize ourBeneficiary Travel (Bldg. 5) waiting area or wonderful nursesnear the Bldg. 1 information desk.2--Request and/or track reimbursem*ntonline through the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS), a secure web-basedportal available 24/7, 365 days a year! • Veterans can log in to BTSSS with their MyHealtheVet log in or set up The DAISY Award is an international a DS Logon account issued by the program that rewards and celebrates the Department of Defense. A DS Logon extraordinary clinical skill and is an electronic ID issued by DoD compassionate care given by nurses every that enables Veterans and day. Click on DAISY Award for more caregivers access to many DoD and information on the award. VA sites with one user username and password. St. Cloud VA Health Care System is proud to be a DAISY Award Partner, recognizing our • To submit a claim and/or register for selected nurses with this special honor six a DS Logon, visit: times a year. These nurses consistently https://eauth.va.gov/accessva/ and demonstrate excellence through their choose the appropriate option, then clinical expertise and extraordinary travel claim entry. compassionate care. They are recognized as outstanding role models in our nursing3--Veterans may also complete a paper community.request on VA Form 10-3542, Veteran These nurses' clinical skill and especiallyBeneficiary Claim for Reimbursem*nt of compassionate care exemplify the kind ofTravel Expenses, available in the B5 lobby or nurse that patients, their families, and otherat the information desk in B1, and place it in staff recognize as an outstanding rolethe locked drop box to the right of the model.Beneficiary Travel window or at theinformation desk. Who may be nominated? • RNsContact the Beneficiary Travel Department • LPNs/LVNsat 320-252-1670 Ext. 6442 with questions. • Advanced Practice Nurses Who may nominate a nurse? • Patients • Patient families • Visitors 10
Each DAISY Award recipient is recognized Play and through the VA Launchpad forwith a framed certificate, DAISY Pin and a Veterans app. Check the facilities listed onhand-carved stone sculpture entitled “A the VA Health Chat page to see theirHealer’s Touch.” Additionally, the operating hours and if VA Health Chat isrecipient’s team receives cinnamon rolls – a available to you.favorite of Patrick’s during his illness.Nominating a nurse • Ask the nurse’s full name (you will need it when you fill out the nomination form) • Email vhastcdaisynominee@va.gov to request a nomination form for the DAISY Award.Watch the New VA Health ChatVideoThe U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs hasreleased a new video resource for Veterans!The video spotlights the VA Health Chatapp. The app enables Veterans to connectwith VA staff members in real time fromanywhere they can use an internet-connected device.VA Health Chat is a convenient way to fitcare into a busy schedule. The app issecure, requiring users to sign in with DS Crisis resources are always available forLogon Premium, ID.me, or My HealtheVet Veterans. The Veterans Crisis Line is a free,Premium account credentials. This video confidential resource that connectshighlights several of the app’s main features Veterans or their loved ones to a realand benefits. These include how Veterans person specially trained to supportcan chat in real time with VA staff to receive Veterans. Call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1,medical advice for nonurgent health text to 838255, or chat online atconcerns, schedule a VA appointment, or VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat, 24 hours arefill VA prescriptions. day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Veterans don’t have to be enrolled in VATo watch and share the video, visit the health care or registered with VA to use theVeterans Health Administration’s YouTube Veterans Crisis Line.channel.VA Health Chat is available for download onthe VA App Store, Apple App Store, Google UPCOMING EVENTS 11
Coffee TalkCaregivers FIRST Friday, Oct. 8 2-4 p.m.Thursday, August 19 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. St. Cloud VA, Bldg. 29, Rm. 20E, or virtuallyCaregivers FIRST is a training program for Coffee Talks are informal conversationsfriend or family Caregivers of Veterans with intended to provide Veterans anphysical or cognitive impairments. opportunity to have their questions aboutCaregivers FIRST is a program designed to VA health care answered.help Caregivers: learn new skills, practice To attend, call the Health Hub at 320-252-positive self-care, connect with other 1670 ext. 7271 to reserve a spot! Limit 6 forCaregivers, navigate VA and other in-person attendance, reservations arecommunity resources. Classes to be held required. Not able to attend in person? Avirtually. Please contact St. Cloud VA Call-in phone line is available: Call 1-833-Caregiver Support 320-252-1670 Ext. 7283 558-0712 or Visit:to register. www.tinyurl.com/svh2ymwr Meeting ID: 19980805352021 St. Cloud VA Games (Virtual) Password: 656Coffee%Sept. 1 to 30Registration and information packets Women Veteran Town Hall Meetingavailable at www.va.gov/st-cloud-healh- Dec. 14 5 p.m.care/ For more information contact: Amber Willert, Women Veterans ProgramVeterans Affairs Radio Show Manager, 320-654-7656Monday, Sept. 13 8:10-8:30 a.m.KNSI AM 1450/FM 103.3Voices for Veterans Radio ShowWednesday, Sept. 15 8-8:30 a.m.WJON AM 1240 For a complete Calendar of Events, go to www.va.gov/st-cloud-healthcare/events 12
Quick Reference Phone ListMain St. Cloud VA HCS Phone Number 320-252-1670 or 800-247-1739TDD User 320-255-6450Max J. Beilke VA Clinic, Alexandria 320-759-2640Brainerd VA Clinic 218-855-1115Montevideo VA Clinic 320-269-2222Veterans Crisis Line 800-273-8255 Press 1Homeless Veteran Hotline 877- 424-3838Billing: • VA Care 866-347-2352 • Care in the Community (non-VA care) 877-881-7618Caregiver Support Team Ext. 7283Chaplain Service Ext. 6386Community Care Referrals Ext. 6401Discrimination Complaints Ext. 6304Eligibility Ext. 6340Nutrition Clinic Ext. 6376Transition & Care Management Program Ext. 6453Patient Advocate Ext. 6353Pharmacy Refill Line 855-560-1724Privacy Officer Ext. 6408Public Affairs Office Ext. 6353Release of Information (Medical Records) Ext. 6336Transportation Ext. 7622TRICARE 844-866-9378Voluntary Service Ext. 6365VA Police Ext. 6355Stay in TouchVisit our Website: https://www.va.gov/st-cloud-health-care/Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/StCloudVAHCSVisit us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stcloudvahcs/Sign up for our automated email service. Visit the St. Cloud VA Website at:https://www.va.gov/st-cloud-health-care/ and scroll down to the Get updatesfrom VA St Cloud health care in the grey box. Click on the options you wish andenter your email address and you will be signed up to receive email updatesfrom these four options. 13
ORDER FORMThe weather-resistant corrugated plastic yard signs are approximately 18 inches tall by 24inches wide and each come with a metal wire post._____YES, please sign us up for 5 signs!_____Check here if your organization is interested in receiving additional quantities of signs ifavailableORGANIZATION Name: _______________________________________________PHYSICAL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________POINT-OF-CONTACT NAME: ____________________________________________POINT-OF-CONTACT PHONE: ___________________________________________PICK-UP LOCATION: St. Cloud VAMC Max J. Beilke VA Clinic (Alexandria) Brainerd VA Clinic Montevideo VA Clinic_____Our organization needs to make other pick-up arrangements.Phone order in to 320-252-1670 ext. 6719 or fax the completed form to 320-255-6389. 14
UPDATE St. Cloud VA - Veterans Affairs (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.